Monday - Wednesday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
10060 N 4600 W
Cedar Hills, UT 84062
7:00AM - 3:00PM
Sedation and Anesthesia
If you have a dental procedure coming up, there may be a bit of fear or hesitation. You are not alone. It is a very common occurrence to have some anxiety prior to dental treatments. Thankfully, there are techniques available to help manage dental phobia, including sedation and anesthesia.
Both sedation and general anesthesia can be used to help relax patients during dental treatments. They help ease anxiety, prevent pain and ensure the safety of the procedure. Lone Peak Dental offers a free nitrous (also known as laughing gas) service to our current patients*. Like any medication, it is best to fully understand your options to know whether or not you are a good candidate for either.
It is important to notify the Lone Peak Dental team of your concerns prior to your appointment. We can discuss the various options available to you to help you feel more comfortable during your treatment.
*Nitrous may not be a good fit for every patient. We use our best discretion to determine whether a patient is a good candidate for nitrous. We recommend contacting our office prior to your appointment to discuss any questions or concerns.