There are many reasons why someone might need to consider a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. From poor dental care to accidents, permanently losing a tooth is a reality that many people will likely have to face at some time in their life. Fortunately, dental technology has improved significantly over the past two decades and dental implants have become an excellent option for those who have lost permanent teeth.
Roughly 3 million people get dental implants each year, and many people find them to be just as strong as the tooth they lost, if not stronger. As the dental implant technology consistently improves, they become easier to install and easier to care for, making them a great choice for many people. Here are a few good reasons to consider a dental implant to replace a lost or missing tooth:
They Stay in Place
Many denture-wearers complain that one of the most annoying parts of using dentures is the need to use gels to hold them in place and remove them on a daily basis. That's not the case with dental implants. When you have an implant installed, a titanium post is inserted into your jawbone, and the bone gradually fuses with the titanium, making it a permanent part of your mouth. You'll never have to worry about taking out your implants!
They Bite Firmer
The main purpose of teeth is to break down food, but dentures simply don't have the same ability to do that. Most people who use dentures find that they can only bite at half the power they did with their natural teeth, which leads to them either avoiding certain foods or having them pureed. Dental implants, on the other hand, are strong enough to provide all the power that natural teeth do, and sometimes more. Thanks to the titanium, many find their implants to be stronger than the tooth they once had.
They Fit with Your Teeth
A dental bridge used to be a preferred option to replace teeth, but it came with a cost: you had to grind down your existing teeth in order to fit the bridge. As you might expect, it's far from ideal to lose two or three somewhat healthy teeth to replace one missing tooth. Dental implants, on the other hand, don't have this problem. They slide right into the old spot and are held firmly in place.

They Don't Cause Bone Loss
Your jawbone needs practice to maintain its strength. If it's not used for chewing, it tends to atrophy, and when bone atrophies, it loses strength and gradually disappears. Unfortunately, dentures don't put the pressure on the bone needed to keep its strength up, which makes bone loss a serious worry. Implants, however, become part of the bone and provide that pressure, keeping the jawbone as strong as it ever was.
Ideally, you're never going to have to get a tooth replaced, but for many Americans, that's simply not realistic. The next-best thing to never having to replace a tooth is to replace it with something that's just as strong as the tooth you had, and that's what dental implants can be for you. If you're ready to replace a missing tooth with a solution that fixes both your smile and your bite, it's time to contact your Lone Peak Dental and discuss whether dental implants will work for your needs! For more information, contact Lone Peak dental today.
Lone Peak Dental services North Utah County - Cedar Hills, Highland, Pleasant Grove, Alpine, Highland, American Fork and Lehi