Gentle Dentistry & Sedation
Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups are necessary for your overall health, but many people have mixed feelings about visiting the dentist's office. Dr. Lorscheider and his team work very hard to to help alleviate any dental anxieties our patients may experience. One of the ways this is done is through sedation.
Lone Peak Dental proudly offers a complimentary nitrous oxide service* to our patients that prefer an extra boost of relaxation during their treatments.
Nitrous oxide, also known as "laughing gas", is a colorless, nonflammable, low potency anesthetic gas administered through a mask that is placed over the patient's nose. It is a safe and effective way to help our patients manage pain and anxiety during dental treatments, and wears off quickly after the mask is removed.
For those patients that prefer a deeper level of relaxation during treatment, we have additional sedation options. Prior to any treatment, it is important to discuss your options with Dr. Lorscheider and find out what type of sedation is best for you.
Dr. L and his team are very proud of the efforts we take to ensure that our patients experience minimal discomfort and anxiety under our care. If you, or someone you know, is in need of gentle dental treatments, give us a call and let us calm your dental care worries and get your smile to it's sparkling best!
*Not all patients are good candidates for sedation. We will discuss your health history and sedation options before beginning any treatments